The traditional outdoor Sea Otter bike show in Monterey (April 2017) was picked for the big launch of the first 3rd party power meter products by two different brands. One for MTB and one for road/cross/gravel bikes. This was picked up by media, including DC Rainmaker, who explained how Sensitivus was the company doing the actual power meter technology.

We were there to help out the brands and anyone else wanting to know more about our power meter technology. For a spindle product like this one, a power meter module like our SG53 module is perfect.

In this case, the two brands share a cool new smartphone app created to reflect the brand colors. Find this on both iOS and Android app stores. If you ever want to check if a specific product is using our technology inside, you can get the “Team ZWATT” app and see if it can connect – if it can, our technology is inside.